Sunday, November 1, 2009


When i see all these repeating to-do-list, actually i dun really feel good and feel 'heavier'. So many things waiting for me and i just keep on delay........delay and delay.................
if there is a due date for the list and if there is fine jz like credit card payment due, i definitely have to PAY A LOT!!!!!
there's a voice whispering from bottom of heart grumbling : why so lazy?why keep on postpone this but never complete it?

Okay...since end of the year is approaching, let me seriously get the long list to be done, so that this 2009 will completely end but not beautifully. A complete , big fullstop.

Also whisper to myself, 60 days left instead of full 2 months........i should have craft out a TO-DO-LIST for myself, my career, my house.
!what a long list then......................

What if ............ NO!!! no more ' what if '............U r not allowed ! Another new year is coming and u will be frustrated more!!!! im awaiting a beautiful, brand new year, 2010.

wish me good luck!!!

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